Towards fabric printing: an experiment in lino carving


Here I describe the fruits of a recent lino carving workshop my husband and I took at Graven Feather, a letter-press printing art studio in downtown Toronto. My foray into appliqué over the Fall has me curious about composing what I can only describe as “fabric paintings”: a combination of appliqué and printed designs to create a scene. Although I am told screenprinting is better for creating sparse images on the fabric, lino carving seemed to be

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Wiksten Tova III : more sensible pattern-following


Cold winter mornings are a great time to catch up on the sewing backlog; the chill winds make getting out on my bike a LOT less attractive. Here is a Wiksten Tova in a dressy fabric from Denyse Schmidt (“Ansonia”), a combination that immediately suggested itself when I first saw the gorgeous fabric at the store.  This is my third Tova (first last Feb and second last April), and I can see the difference a year of a-project-a-month has made.

Of course the outfit itself came together quickly because I had gone through the moves a few times before, but there were other notable changes that improved the dressmaking experience: Continue reading Wiksten Tova III : more sensible pattern-following

Butterick B5954 – Knit tunic


This is my first knit in a long time – the last one was in 2011, a maternity dress I had sewn using my beginner Singer machine. It’s been four months since I made clothes, what with the pigs, the Halloween costume and the racoons. So I was very happy to use some the the Holiday break to catch up on my back-log.  In my experience knit prints are hard to come by, which is interesting considering that a lot of store-bought clothes involve knits. I snapped this one up (Bari J’s “Emmy Grace”)  in Rockland, Maine over the summer. The goal of this project was to sew a knit garment with the serger.  While it bolstered my confidence Continue reading Butterick B5954 – Knit tunic